Category: Corporate Law
How Data Analytics Is Transforming The World Of Litigation Finance
Premonition, the World's largest litigation database, just announced the addition of the Netherlands Courts to its innovative and revolutionary analytics product. Premonition is an Artificial Intelligence system that mines Big Data to find out which lawyers win before which Judges.
Premonition, the World's largest litigation database, just announced the addition of the Canadian Courts to its innovative product. Premonition is an Artificial Intelligence system that mines Big Data to find out which Attorneys win before which Judges.
While we've accomplished a lot on efficiency, and there have been major changes in the business of law, the practice of law, on a fundamental level, has not changed as much. But such fundamental change is likely underway now, as technology and innovative thinking takes a more and more aggressive role in changing the practice - from Premonition's ability to assist clients in selecting lawyers.
Since last September we have been tracking attorney counts in 286 firms and 4 markets that include Houston Texas, all of the major Louisiana Markets, Jackson MS, and 3 Florida markets. Is it a bad market or is it simply becoming more efficient?